The Charter Against Tobacco, 1988

To make it possible for every person in Europe to enjoy the rights set out in the Charter, the Conference participants recommended ten strategies to be followed.
Ten strategies for a smoke-free Europe
  1. Recognize and maintain people's right to choose a smoke-free life.
  2. Establish in law the right to smoke-free common environments.
  3. Outlaw the advertising and promotion of tobacco products and sponsorship by the tobacco industry.
  4. Inform every member of the community of the danger of tobacco use and the magnitude of the pandemic.
  5. Assure the wide availability of help for tobacco users who want to stop.
  6. Impose a levy of at least one per cent of tobacco tax revenue to fund specific tobacco control and health promotion activities.
  7. Institute progressive financial disincentives.
  8. Prohibit new methods of nicotine delivery and block future tobacco industry marketing strategies.
  9. Monitor the effects of the pandemic and assess the effectiveness of countermeasures.
  10. Build alliances between all sections of the community that want to promote good health.

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Copyright: Lajos Pákozdi, M. D.2010.